Protest Against Coal Seam Gas Mining

This landmark protest in rural Queensland brought together people from all sides of politics, united against coal seam gas mining. Pictured here sharing the stage are Drew Hutton, environmentalist and founding member of the Greens, and Bob Katter, [in]famous right-wing politician. Documenting this event was a part of a broader research and media project.

Coal Seam Gas – Behind the Seams was a research and media project in collaboration with prominent internet media company Crikey. The project sought to create and aggregate a range of content in different forms on the topic of coal seam gas mining, and its relevance as a state election issue in 2012. Content included articles by experts, film interviews, a website, blog and social media.

As a part of our investigations we went on a field reporting tour. The two photo essays viewable on my website are descriptive of that tour. Some of the pictures in the essays were taken with my mobile phone, because it was the fastest was we could submit them for publishing in areas where internet connection was compromised.

> Read my media story about the protest at Jondaryan.
> See the project website.
> See more reportage on my website.